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Desk with Book

Sue Taylor-Reeves



I am a published author living in Brisbane, Australia, originally from Bristol, UK. I started writing seriously later in life and what was a hobby is now becoming a dream to be a successful writer. I enjoy writing children’s fiction, and have published two of a three-part series, "Return to the Garden"; Ambrose the Brave & The Adventures of Charli Horse both of which are available to pre-order and will be released in the next few months. My books are published through Arkhouse Press Ark House | Christian Book Publishers (

Being a ‘Compassionate Lifer’ (gentle vegan and lover of all creation) I have a passion for all animals, but guinea pigs in particular.

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Story of The Chuckle Inn

Background Story

As a couple, my husband Scott and I have been known for many years as Mr & Mrs Chuckles. In our early days we would always be laughing about something, and the name just stuck. Eventually we became known as 'The Chuckles'. Now everything we do has a chuckle in it somewhere.


We have a passion for animal welfare and for five years we volunteered at a local rescue after adopting our first 2 Guineapigs, Teddy and Squeaks (who are now 9 years young). 


Since then, we have filled our home and life with these fascinating little creatures, and from this love came my passion for writing my stories.



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Green Leaves

Inspiration for my writing

Return to the Garden and The Way of the Covenant

Most of us have pets, or at least have had a pet as a child, and with the joy of sharing time on the journey together inevitably there comes a time of sadness and loss. For some this loss of such closeness will cause incredible grief. 


Over time the idea of the 'Rainbow Bridge' appeared, and has become the idea of a place of hope and peace, giving grieving pet owners a small sense of release from this massive loss.


The first appearance of the Rainbow Bridge in relation to animals is believed to come from a poem by Paul C. Dahm, a grief counselor in Oregon. 


I was inspired to write a story about a place where animals will once again be free to live out their lives in peace but incorporating some of the scripture from the bible.


The world that I have created beyond the Earth is The New Garden and can only be accessed through 'The Way of the Covenant'. Each creature will give an account of their lives to The Great Gardener and be escorted home to The New Garden to live in peace for eternity, but what a magnificent place it is, filled with fun, awe and wonder, where you are only limited by your imagination.


My hope is that you will read these books not as 'preachy' Christian books but as a fantasy, a new place created for creatures who were also created by God.

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Kindness Comes to Town


Charli Horse, is the smallest horse that ever  there was. After being rescued from a very sticky situation by Kindness Pigglington life for them was never to be the same again.


As Charli and The Pigglington family grow into their new life together, they create a mysterious chaff and discover that Charli is no run of the mill horse. 


Who would have thought that one large sneeze could set them on an exciting path of adventure. 

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Return to the Garden

Paperback Available Now

E-book (Kindle) available on Amazon 

Lowey, the first created creature wakes to find himself in The Garden, he is all knowing, and alone, so he thinks!


Come on an enchanting journey as Lowey and his friends  are forced to live outside of the Garden that had been created for them.


These are the tales of Lowey and Savannah who lead their fellow creatures, helping them adjust to life in a new community called The Clearing, while they search for a way to return to The Garden and back into the peace that they had once known.

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The Way of the Covenant

Book 2

Now Available

Time stood still in The Garden, Lowey and Savannah were once again reunited and would live in the peace that they had once known and loved. The Spirit in the Garden danced around them continually placing His word into their hearts and minds, and The Great Gardener was no longer hidden behind the impenetrable wall.

When Lowey returned to The Way of The Covenant The Great Gardener had named him his Chosen One, Lowey had been His first created being that creeps on the earth, and was now privileged to greet and accompany all who came to The Garden by The Way of the Covenant, a position that Lowey had been created to hold and took very seriously.


Continue the Journey with Lowey, Savannah, Avery, Constance and new arrivals as each one gives an account of their lives back in The Clearing and beyond.

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The Calling - Book 3

Under Construction

The creatures that live in the lands around The Clearing and beyond have begun to have strange dreams. Each one being called to a journey on which there would be no return.

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Ambrose the Brave (Made Different)
"If you look inside, you can find your strength!"



A young children's picture book 

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Man with Book

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [a]comprehend it.

John 1:1-5

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Sue Taylor-Reeves

Brisbane Australia

Contact: 0407 206 677 or

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